Horizons Bulgaria

Office Administrative Assistant
For our client, a law firm that provides first-class services and consultations in various fields, we are seeking a specialist for the position:

Office Assistant

Their role will be to support the work of the lawyers by providing administrative assistance, coordinating tasks in the office, and communicating with the firm’s clients.

Key Responsibilities:
- Handling incoming and outgoing correspondence - written and electronic;
- Communicating with clients, lawyers, and other parties via phone and email;
- Monitoring the lawyers' task schedules, reminding about upcoming deadlines or appointments;
- Receiving, printing, and organizing letters, faxes, and other documentation;
- Drafting and processing documents;
- Organizing translations, authorization, and legalization of documents;
- Organizing meetings for projects in and out of the office, according to the firm’s practices and procedures;
- Organizing travel and business trips for the lawyers;
- Maintaining the office’s contact database;
- Other operational and technical tasks such as organizing notarial certifications of documents, bank transfers, filing documents in official institutions, paying state and court fees, ordering office supplies, etc.

- Administrative experience in a similar position (experience in a law firm will be considered an advantage);
- Higher education in humanities, social sciences, business, or the arts;
- Good computer literacy – MS Office, Internet;
- Good command of the English language – written and spoken (knowledge of another language will be considered an advantage);
- Ability to meet deadlines;
- Accuracy, precision, and diligence in task execution;
- Responsiveness, responsibility, and resourcefulness;
- Good organizational skills;
- Excellent communication skills.

The company offers:
- Motivating remuneration;
- Central office location;
- Additional health insurance;
- Multisport card;
- Weekly Happy Hour event;
- Team building activities;
- Opportunities for development within the company.

If you are interested in this position, please send your current resume /CV/. We will only contact pre-approved candidates.

Horizons Bulgaria is a leading staffing company specialized in expert and middle management with 20 years of experience in the Bulgarian market. Our team consists of business-oriented consultants with industrial specialization, a professional understanding of business trends, and an active approach to recruitment and hiring through various methods and innovations.
Horizons holds license No 2118 from 27.09.2016.
Изисквания към кандидата
Образование: Бакалавър

Езикови познания:
Английски език, Испански език

Трудов опит:
С професионален опит от 1 - 3г.

Ние предлагаме

Вид заетост:
Пълен работен ден

Срок на заетост:

Трудов безсрочен

Ниво в йерархията:
Административен персонал

Административни и офис дейности
Населено място:
Гр. София
гр. София, бул. Христо Смирненски 7, п.к. 1164
Horizons Bulgaria
Агенция за подбор на персонал
Детайли за организацията:
Повече информация за Horizons Bulgaria може да получите ТУК
Внимание: Некоректни потребители публикуват обяви на импулсни телефони започващи с 0481, 0871, 0881, 0890, 0891, 0900.

Оферти от категорията

Оферти от работодателя
На работа с
    Сайтът предлага лесен и бърз достъп до близо 286 420 автобиографии и 44 928 работодатели. Чрез по-добрите менюта за работа, както и с повечето функции, които предлага, Rabota.bg доближава Работодатели и Кандидати като улеснява връзката между тях.